Cannabis Sommelier Worskhop Facilitator






Cannabis has a reputation problem. I am determined to change that! In the simplest of terms, Cannabis is a plant. It can be made into rope, building materials, fuel and even intimate lotions and lubes! Cannabis has been around for over 25 million years and is not unique in the plant world. The same chemicals found in cannabis are found in other plants and fruit too! Pine trees, citrus fruits, berries, mangoes, peppercorns all have terpenes (essential oils) found in cannabis. In order to find the ‘secret’ of cannabis, you need to be smart enough to discover fire. Without heat, cannabis is just an edible plant – like basil or oregano! Cannabis is a plant for the ladies! Studies now show the female reproductive systems react to the chemicals found in cannabis. It is like catnip for a woman’s libido! Imagine being able to grow your own version of “women’s” Viagra! Blushes are not just for roses! Time for reputation transformation!



Cannabis is a new industry and has a new vocabulary that goes with it. Don’t worry if it seems confusing! It is a learning process!


This is the term that is used to describe strains with long, thin leaves and looser “fluffier” buds. Strains with these characteristics tend to have high THC content to CBD.


This is the term used to describe strains that have shorter, fatter leaves and compact, dense flower buds. These characteristics in a strain usually mean a higher CBD content and a lower percentage of THC.


Most modern strains are hybrid! It is very difficult to find a pure “sativa” or a pure “indica”. It is more important to focus on THC, CBD percentages and terpene profiles than whether it is classified as sativa, indica or hybrid!

Indica Strains Have A Different Range Of Effects On The Body And Mind Than Sativa Strain.


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Pina F

Hi Laura, thanks for the sofa chat! There is so much to know about weed and women! You’re so knowledgeable and your approach is honest and fun! Women all over should be sitting on your couch!



Cannabis is a new industry and has a new vocabulary that goes with it. Don’t worry if it seems confusing! It is a learning process!



Always happy to chat! Don’t be shy and get in touch!”

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